BVIQ™ is a standardised digital inspection tool which provides Ship Managers, Charterers and Terminals an industry relevant and date-stamped assessment of a vessel's condition and operational and safety performance, while within or entering a supply chain.
The BVIQ program is positive in nature and assists in maintaining, and identifying areas of improvement, for the industry’s mutual strive towards maritime safety.
Independent safety verification and reporting. Assist in identifying and mitigating concerns.
Positively coaching crew, encouraging cultural change. Fleetwide shared learnings and prevention.
Encouraging active and positive safety verification relationships.
Presence, liaison and representation between terminal and vessel.
Increased safety improvement recognition with stakeholders (port, terminal and charterer).
Port State Control and Marine Assurance agency rating and preparation.
Custom designed for specific terminal's risk focus profile.
Proactive independent safety verification and reporting. Assist in identifying and mitigating concerns prior to berthing.
Analytics dashboard for individual and DOC performance against peer fleet averages.
Collection of data analysis to identity trends and areas of concern.
Encourages engagement and self-reporting from ship operators.
Non obstructive inspection to terminal operations.